Cedar Warman
Computational Biologist
Ohalo Genetics
Portland, OR, USA
cedardalewarman {at} gmail {dot} com
Ph.D., Botany, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
2015 – 2020
B.S., Biology, English, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA
2005 – 2010
Computational biologist, Ohalo Genetics, Portland, OR, USA
2024 – present
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
2020 – 2024
Research assistant, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
2015 – 2020
Research technician, Oregon State University, Hermiston, OR, USA
2014 – 2015
Lead monitoring technician, Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition, Elko, NV, USA
2012 – 2013
Research technician, Washington State University, Mt. St. Helens, WA, USA
2007 – 2011
C. Warman and J. E. Fowler. Deep learning-based high-throughput phenotyping can drive future discoveries in plant reproductive biology. Plant Reproduction, 34: 81–89. 2021. doi: 10.1007/s00497-021-00407-2
C. Warman, C. M. Sullivan, J. Preece, M. E. Buchanan, Z. Vejlupkova, P. Jaiswal, and J. E. Fowler. A cost-effective maize ear phenotyping platform enables rapid categorization and quantification of kernels. The Plant Journal, 106: 566–579. 2021. doi: 10.1111/tpj.15166
L. Zhou, Z. Vejlupkova, C. Warman, and J.E. Fowler. A Maize Male Gametophyte-Specific Gene Encodes ZmLARP6c1, a Potential RNA-Binding Protein Required for Competitive Pollen Tube Growth. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 635244. 2021. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.635244
Z. Vejlupkova, C. Warman, R. Sharma, H. V. Scheller, J. C. Mortimer, and J. E. Fowler. No evidence for transient transformation via pollen magnetofection in several monocot species. Nature Plants, 6, 1323–1324. 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41477-020-00798-6
C. Warman, K. Panda, Z. Vejlupkova, S. Hokin, E. Unger-Wallace, R. A. Cole, A. M. Chettoor, D. Jiang, E. Vollbrecht, M. S. Evans, R. K. Slotkin, and J. E. Fowler. High expression in maize pollen correlates with genetic contributions to pollen fitness as well as with coordinated transcription from neighboring transposable elements. PLOS Genetics, 16: e1008462. 2020. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008462
Oral presentations
C. Warman, R. Palanivelu. High-throughput phenotyping uncovers differential tomato pollen growth patterns during heat stress. National Science Foundation Plant Genome Research Program Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. September 2023.
C. Warman, R. Palanivelu. High-throughput phenotyping uncovers differential tomato pollen growth patterns during heat stress. ASPB Plant Biology, Savannah, GA, USA. August 2023.
C. Warman, R. Palanivelu. Defining the genetic basis of reproductive heat tolerance in tomato with high-throughput pollen phenotyping. University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. February 2022.
C. Warman. Hot tomato pollen is different, but how? North American Plant Phenotyping Network Annual Conference, Athens, GA, USA. February 2022.
C. Warman, E. Vischulis, J. Koning, J. Preece, C. M. Sullivan, P. Jaiswal, and J. E. Fowler. A maize ear phenotyping system combines rotational scanning and deep learning computer vision to track kernel markers for increased throughput and precision. 4th Phenome Conference, Tucson, AZ, USA. February 2020.
C. Warman, E. Vischulis, J. Koning, J. Preece, C. M. Sullivan, P. Jaiswal, and J. E. Fowler. Novel maize ear phenotyping methods enable large-scale functional validation of pollen transcriptome data. 28th International Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. January 2020.
C. Warman. High-throughput maize ear phenotyping with a custom-built scanner and machine learning seed detection, i.e., Computer counts corn, correctly? Bioinformatics Users Group, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. November 2019.
C. Warman, J. Preece, C. M. Sullivan, P. Jaiswal, and J. E. Fowler. What do these genes do? Leveraging computer vision for large-scale phenotyping in maize. Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing Spring Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. April 2019. Winner, “Best Lightning Talk.”
C. Warman, Z. Vejlupkova, S. Hokin, E. Unger-Wallace, K. Panda, R. Cole, A. Chettoor, R. K. Slotkin, E. Vollbrecht, M. S. Evans, and J. E. Fowler. Pollen vegetative cell and sperm cell transcriptomes help predict mutation effects on fertilization success. 61st Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA. March 2019.
C. Warman, B. Hamilton, and J. E. Fowler. nop genes promote pollen tube growth in the maize male gametophyte. 6th Pan American Plant Membrane Biology Workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada. June 2018.
Poster presentations
C. Warman and R. Palanivelu. A phenotyping system quantifies pollen populations during heat stress using high-throughput microscopy and computer vision. ASPB Plant Biology, Savannah, GA, USA. August 2023.
C. Warman and R. Palanivelu. A phenotyping system quantifies pollen populations during heat stress using high-throughput microscopy and computer vision. North American Plant Phenotyping Network Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, USA. February 2023.
C. Warman, S. McKinley, and R. Palanivelu. Defining the genetic basis of reproductive heat tolerance in tomato through high-throughput pollen phenotyping, genome-wide association, and predictive modeling. National Science Foundation Plant Genome Research Program Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. September 2022.
J. E. Fowler, Z. Vejlupkova, C. Warman, and L. Zhou. Green kernels: The Dooner/Du Ds-GFP population enables a variety of research and outreach applications. 63rd Maize Genetics Conference, Virtual, March 2021.
L. Zhou, Z. Vejlupkova, C. Warman, and J. E. Fowler. A maize male gametophyte-specific gene encodes ZmLARP6c1, a potential RNA binding protein required for competitive pollen tube growth. 63rd Maize Genetics Conference, Virtual, March 2021.
C. Warman, J. Preece, P. Jaiswal, and J. E. Fowler. Custom built scanner and computer vision pipeline enables low-cost, large-scale phenotyping of maize ears. 61st Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA. March 2019.
Z. Vejlupkova, L. Zhou, R. Hartman, B. Hamilton, C. Warman, and J. E. Fowler. Towards robust transient transformation methods for maize pollen: Manipulating pollen tube germination and growth in vitro. 61st Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA. March 2019.
C. Warman and J. E. Fowler. nop genes promote pollen tube growth in the maize male gametophyte. 60th Maize Genetics Conference, Saint-Malo, France. March 2018.
Z. Vejlupkova, S. Hokin, K. Panda, C. Warman, R. A. Cole, R. K. Slotkin, M. S. Evans, and J. E. Fowler. Transcriptomic characterization of male sexual reproduction in maize. 60th Maize Genetics Conference, Saint-Malo, France. March 2018.
C. Warman, S. Colebrook, and J. E. Fowler. nop1 and nop2 are paralogous genes with likely functions in the maize male gametophyte. 59th Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA. March 2017.
Grants and funding
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology
2021 – 2024
Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship
Anita Summers Travel Awards
2018 – 2020
Provost’s Graduate Scholarship
2015 – 2016
University service
Graduate representative, Departmental Infrastructure Committee, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
2018 – 2020
Mentor, Bolstering Undergraduate Development & Success (BUDS), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
2016 – 2020
Community service
Vice president, Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Association, Tucson, AZ, USA
2021 – 2023
Vice president, Mary's Peak Orchid Society, Corvallis, OR, USA
2016 – 2020
Poetry and fiction reviewer, Post Road Magazine, Boston, MA, USA
2009 – 2016
Patents and disclosures
A novel system to quantify maize seed phenotypes, Provisional patent, OSU-20-09
Seed identification and quantification from flat images of maize ears, Software and Digital Media Disclosure, OSU-20-10
English: fluent
Spanish: basic